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Sheldon Book Club Recommendation

As a cartoonist, I read a lot of comic strips.

But among the dozens and dozens that I read daily, there are precious few strips which truly shine. Strips which bring me genuine laughter, which show me cartooning tricks I never would’ve thought of on my own, and which I absolutely love to share with other folks.

And on that short, short list…the biggie is Scott Kurtz’ PvP.

Scott is one of the best cartoonists going, and has been recognized by the industry with an Eisner Award for sheer awesomeness (…or “Most Awesome in the Category of Awesomeness”, if I recall).

Anywho, I just noticed this morning that Scott put up a four-pack of his PvP books in one big bundle, which is great for fans like me. And my guess is… if you’re a Sheldon reader, you’ll dig these books just as much as I do.

So if you’re new to PvP — especially if you’re new to PvP — treat yourself to this discounted combo pack, and dive into one of the funniest strips goin’.