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Social Bookmarking

For readers that love their StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Digg: today I’m adding social bookmarking links under every strip in the archive. That means if you have a specific strip that you love, love, love…you can now share it in your social web, with one easy click.

Boy! It’s a burst of new tidbits being added to the site, lately. But fear not: I’m always wary of feature-creep, so this will be the last one added for a while. I swear.

OK, wait. That’s not true. I am working on one other feature. A “Sheldon-On-Your-Site” system that allows you to put the daily strip in your website, just like the very funny Mark Anderson does with
his toons. But that’s it. No more feature-creep after that. I totally promise. Pinky swear.

Until Samsung comes out with the holographic web in 2009. Then I’m going nuts with new features. 🙂