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Sold Out!

Yesterday, Sheldonista Harold B. picked up the last of the 62 More Awesome Artist Editions.

My apologies to all those who didn’t get an Artist Edition before they sold out. I’m never sure how quick these things will go…but I always seem to get an e-mail or two the day after they’re gone, saying, “Awwww dang it, I wanted one.”

For those folks, I should mention that there are still copies of the “Pure Ducky Goodness” Artist Editions available. You can either pick them up by themselves, or in a 3-Pack that includes signed copies of “62%” and “Pugly”.

And, in case I don’t say it enough: THANK YOU to everyone who bought a copy. You make it possible for this li’l artist to keep on cartoonin’ for a living.

In webcomics, there is no middle-man, no big corporate face from which Sheldon bursts forth. It’s just me…and you…and the interweb. So please know that your support makes it possible for new strips to keep on comin’. And that makes you pretty darn rad, in my book.

Thanks for bein’ rad.