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Thank you for a wonderful year…

It’s always good to take stock of the year we leave behind… and my overwhelming thought as I head into 2008 is how much I have to be thankful for from 2007.

This past year represented a huge life change for me. I stepped away from a steady, 8-year, corporate job at Mattel Toys to dive into my lifelong dream: Cartooning full-time.

As you can imagine, it’s been exciting and terrifying and exhilarating all at once…. and has given me the best year I’ve ever had.

The most fun has been the interaction with the tens of thousands of Sheldon readers all over the world — you guys are awesome. I’ve had e-mails from Sweden, Germany, Norway, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, UK, France, Spain… and even one from China (though that last one might have been spam). And time and again, Sheldonistas prove themselves to be thoroughly funny, kind, and, let’s be honest, attractive people. Thank you for being awesome, and thank you for the 10,000 kindnesses you paid me over the year: You made 2007 a year of thanks.

There is much to share with you about the year to come, but before I get too much into the hustle and bustle of what’s-coming-up, I wanted to make sure I thank you.

So, my friends, I thank you. Thank you for making this li’l cartoonist immensely happy.