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Three bits of interest

1.) A huge thank you to all those who have been e-mailin’ friends and co-workers recommending they try Sheldon. A few of you even bcc’d me this morning on e-mails you sent out — which was fun to see.

2.) Back-to-back episodes of “How I Met Your Mother” tonight and next week (CBS – Mondays 9:30) were written by my talented wife! Tune in!

Tonight’s episode is especially fun, as it involves the daytime game show “Price is Right” — a show which holds a special place in my heart. No other show so effectively taught me how to price out dish soap as a way to better my life than did “Price is Right”.

When they were filming the episode, I was workin’ at the ol’ Sheldon studio with my buddy and fellow cartoonist Kris Straub. My wife suddenly called and says, “You have to get down here to CBS — this is awesome.” So Kris and I jumped in the car and raced down to Television City, and were instantly transported into the high-color-saturated world of 1973 “Price is Right” sets.

And she was right: it was awesome. The prop pieces, the games, and the sets were all clearly put together in 1951 using WWII surplus supplies and cans of bright orange paint. We were like giddy schoolkids — who hasn’t watched 10,000 episodes of “Price is Right” at one point in their lives?

Anyway, we took a few pics of the ensuing silliness… so I thought I’d share.

3.) Also: I recognize that recommending music is like being the annoying guy at the table with a fork full of weird-smelling food saying “Try it! Try it!”, but you have got to download “Hey There Delilah” by the Plain White T’s. Just a beautiful song.