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Three Things for a Tuesday

1.) Sheldonista Jessica sent in this pic, saying “Another satisfied ninja sporting his awesome birthday shirt.” I love it, Jessica!

2.) There was a very kind write-up of DRIVE in the Syracuse Post-Standard (or, on the newspaper’s website, anyway). A doff of the cap to Jeff Kapalka for the kind article!

3.) My travel schedule, over the next 6-7 weeks, has me going to Columbus, Ohio to speak at Ohio State’s big Festival of Cartoon Art… to Savannah, to lecture and teach at SCAD’s excellent sequential art department… and to Easthampton, MA to take part in the New England Webcomics Weekend.

Because of a big film project that I’m working on (more on that, later), I don’t know how much time I’ll have for reader meet-ups and socializin’ in Columbus and Savannah, which bums me out. But I’d hate to travel all that way and not see you guys…so I’ll try to work something out as things get closer. In Savannah, at the very least, we should be able to organize a night-time meetup. Ohio might be trickier.