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Vote! Caption Contest Finalists

Sheldonistas! It’s time to vote!

After well over 1,000 entries, I’ve narrowed down my favorite 15 captions. But before I pick the final winner, it’s time to hear *your* picks! So vote below, and let’s see which caption(s) offered up the biggest laugh.

Here’s the good news: Sheldon readers are funny, funny people. From the 1,000+ entries, there were a heckuva lot that made me laugh out loud. I was able to narrow down my favorite 50-70…but getting down to these final 15 was really, really hard. So your feedback, below, is especially welcome before I choose the winner — ’cause there are a lot of good ones in the mix.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated: I hope you guys had as much fun as it seemed. I think we’ll do this once a year or so — lots of people got very excited for it. And I really enjoyed reading through ’em! So thank you again!

Now go vote! We’ll keep the tallying open until midnight on the 21st.