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2,000th Sheldon Toon!

Friday, October 19th marks the 2,000 Sheldon toon, which is kinda neat…and worth noting.

I absolutely love drawing this strip, and based on the little snippets I get from your daily e-mails, it seems to bring an awful lot of folks an awful lot of joy as well.

There is nothing I’d rather do, creatively, than cartoon on a daily basis…so allow me to make this public pledge: I’m gonna keep drawing Sheldon for decades and decades and decades more to come. I may, in time, create a second (…or third?) strip, or experiment with other stuff…but Sheldon is here for good. You have my word on that.

That would not be possible, though, without your kind support. The e-mails I get, the nice posts on the forums, the kind words said to me at conventions or book signings — that stuff buoys me along for months. You have no idea. So thank you for your kindness: it really does mean the world to me.

And thanks also, for your support at the Sheldon Store — as that’s what keeps the lights on around here. (…I still take a unique kinda joy any time someone picks up a Sheldon book.)

So today, we mark strip #2,000! And here’s to the next 2,000 strips!