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IKEA…shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

Today’s IKEA strip isn’t the first Sheldon toon about that Swedish emporium of awesomeness. Check out these previous IKEA toons from days past:



When I’m looking through the Sheldon archives, I often notice that I poke fun at stuff I really and truly love.

Today’s cartoon is a perfect example: it looks like I’m being harsh on IKEA…when in fact that store is one of my secret loves in life. And I do mean love. It combines, like, fifteen things that make me smile: ridiculous naming systems, super fatty meatballs sent straight from heaven, and fun little Disneyland rides for your shopping cart. That place is both ridiculous….and ridiculously rad.

(Sidenote: I could probably do a whole week’s worth of cartoons on that IKEA piston machine that they have at every store….you know the one. It sits there, poundin’ away at a chair for 10,000 hours. Thus proving that, if your butt is shaped and performs like a steel pneumatic piston, an IKEA chair is ready to take the punishment.)

Hey! In other news! My wife’s episode of “How I Met Your Mother” is tonight! Check your local listings…but it should be on at 8:00, Monday night on CBS. When you see her name, please clap heartily.