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Last Call for Christmas Orders!

The U.S. Postal Service says that any 1st Class or Priority Mail sent by the 20th will be delivered in the U.S. in time for Christmas…but we’re asking that you get your final orders in by the 17th. (The 18th at the absolute latest.) We’ll continue to ship every day, even after that — but getting your order in before then ensures timely delivery.

Aaaaaand for last-minute gift-givers, a quick guide:

1.) FOR NEW SHELDON READERS, or for friends/relatives you’d like to introduce to the strip, go with the 1st Sheldon collection, “Pure Ducky Goodness“. It’s a great starter collection at 136 pages, and is only $10 in December!

2.) FOR DOG LOVERS, go with “Pugs: God’s Little Weirdos“. It collects all the pug-related strips into one book, and contains the special, expanded story “Little Lost Pug”. (Worth noting: There are just three copies left of the Artist Editions.)

3.) FOR LONG-TIME SHELDON READERS, the new collection, “Nerds on Parade” is definitely the way to go. And if you think they’d like it, pick up one of the last 34 Artist Editions.

4.) For THE ARTIST IN YOUR LIFE, I’d recommend either the “How To Make Webcomics” book, or the “Artist’s Decision Tree” poster.

5.) Finally, if you have A SUPER-HUGE-SHELDON FAN in your life, you can surprise them with the Original Art from their favorite strip. Shipping is free in December, anywhere in the world — which adds up to $10 savings for some folks. To get your favorite original art, just navigate to it in the Sheldon archives and click the “Buy Today’s Original Art” button located under the strip.

And to everyone who sent in kind words upon receiving their new copy of “Nerds” — thank you! That means the world to me that you’re enjoyin’ it. And remember: If anything with your Sheldon order looks wrong, do drop me a line. Even if it’s the post office’s fault, we’ll do everything we can to make it right in time for Christmas!