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New Appearances!

Coming out of Comic-Con, there are lots of upcoming appearances to share with you. Let’s review:

LOS ANGELES, AUG 9th: This is the big book launch party for “Living Dangerously (With Saturated Fats)”. Here’s the earlier announcement with directions, times, etc.

BALTIMORE, OCT 10-11th: I’ll be back for a second year in Baltimore
…but this time as a Harvey Award nominee!

LOS ANGELES, NOV 15th: I’ll be lecturing about comics at the prestigious Hammer Museum of Art. More info as we get closer!

CALGARY, APR 24-25, 2010: Big news, Canada: It’s my first show north of the border! Do you remember when I asked Sheldonistas which international show I should attend in 2010? Well, as a result of Sheldon readers contacting the show, I’m now invited as a special guest of the Calgary Comic Expo in 2010! WARM UP THE HUGS, CANADA. And for all you folks in Toronto saying I should come to *that* show: Know that it’s up to you! E-mail the organizers of the Toronto Comicon and suggest they have me as a guest: If they invite me, I’ll be up there in a heartbeat.

In the meantime, here I come, Calgary!