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Oct 22, 2024
Oct 22, 2024

PvP: The Series

My chum-a-roos Kris Straub and Scott Kurtz are branching out into new and exciting territory. Today, they announced PvP: The Series. Based on the talent between these two, I’m excited to see the final product. Check it out!

Thankful Thanksgiving Thanks

‘Twas a good Thanksgiving at the Kellett house this year. We had our first Thanksgiving dinner in this house, and pulled it off rather nicely. Family, friends, and even a wayward Brit who had never been to an American Thanksgiving before.

Her best line of the night? “Well this is just like an English Sunday roast. Only with 85% more gluttony.”

(Speaking of England: I’m noticing, based on orders coming in for “The Good, The Bad & The Pugly”, that there are a ton (tonne) of English readers. Specifically, there are a ton (tonne) in Sussex. What’s going on in Sussex that Sheldon’s such a huge success there? And how do we get Essex in on the fun?)

Anyway, Thanksgiving was a wonderful extended weekend, and I am thoroughly stuffed with all the usuals, including jellied cranberry sauce. It’s an odd food, isn’t it? Never, ever in my life do I find myself going “MAN, I am ready to eat me some cranberry sauce.” Just never pops into my head. Never. But if I don’t have jellied cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving…Lord, there’s gonna be trouble.

…I wonder if the cranberry industry makes the majority of their sales this week?

– Dave

PS: One quick note: after one more test, Sheldon daily e-mail deliveries should be starting by Tuesday. I’ll keep you posted.

Artist’s Edition for “Pure Ducky Goodness”

A lot of folks have e-mailed me in the last few days, asking why they can’t get an Artist’s Edition for “Pure Ducky Goodness”. I hadn’t planned on adding it to the Sheldon store until January, but they seem to really want one in time for Christmas…so I added it to the store.

And for the folks who asked about an Artist’s Edition for “A Well Balanced Meal”…I’m sorry to say there won’t be one. After three printings of the book, there are only about 80 copies left…so there’s rarity enough there, already.

Artist’s Edition Books

In the past, I’ve worked hard to put a sketch in every single book sold to every single reader. It’s been great to get e-mails from folks saying how cool their sketch was, and how cherished it is in their house. But the number of sold Sheldon books is starting to exceed my abilitiy to keep up with that extra workload of sketches. And I hate the idea that, as this workload increases, some folks would randomly GET a sketch, and some folks randomly WOULDN’T. So going forward, I’m going to handle sketched-in books a different way. Starting with “The Good, The Bad and The Pugly”, I’m going to limit the number of sketched-in books to a very select group of “Artist’s Editions”.

For “The Good, The Bad, & The Pugly”, there will only be 250 of these special editions. They will be stamped, hand-numbered, autographed, and will feature a unique-to-your-book, original sketch. And once they’re sold out, that’s it. You won’t be able to get a sketch in your Pugly book when you buy online.

Sheldon Newsletter Subscribers got first crack at ordering these 250 books, starting late Monday night. But on Thursday night, Artist’s Editions will be opened up for sale to everyone else. I have no idea how fast these 250 copies will go, but I do know this: if you were sent the special link via the Sheldon newsletter…don’t wait. Order your copy today.

And remember: these pre-ordered Artist’s Editions will be the first shipped out when the books arrive Dec. 1st!


Just in case you have questions, here are a few I’ve tried to anticipate:

1.) Will Artist’s Editions be worth more over time?

That’s the hope. In limiting the amount of books with sketches in them, I hope to increase the value of the Artist’s Edition that you own.

2.) Will Artist’s Editions cost more?

Yes: they’ll cost an additional $10 for the additional time, effort, and value. Also keep in mind: you’re helping to keep the lights on at Sheldon with your support!

3.) If the 250 copies run out before I can get mine, is there really no chance of getting an Artist’s Edition from the Sheldon Store later?

Not from the Sheldon store. You may be able to pick one up from an online auction site down the line, of course.

4.) C’mon…please?? It’s my cousin’s birthday/wedding/Bar Mitzvah/graduation! You really won’t put a sketch in my copy of “The Good, The Bad and The Pugly”?

Nope. You’ll never again have the opportunity to get a sketch in your online order. Your only chance for a sketch, once these are sold out, is to catch me in person at a future appearance, where I’ll put un-numbered sketches in books.

5.) Will you still be *signing* books sold online?

I’ll happily continue to sign every single book sold in the Sheldon store. It’s the least I can do to say thank you for supporting Sheldon! But sketches will only be available online in the limited Artist’s Editions.

6.) Can I pick what will be sketched in my Artist’s Edition? Can you sign it to so-and-so?

Due to the logistics of 250 sketches mailing out to 250 people, I’m afraid not.

7.) With these Artist’s Editions, does this mean you’re no longer putting sketches in copies of Pure Ducky Goodness that are bought online?

Yes. But there will be one more window of opportunity in January for Pure Ducky Goodness buyers. For folks that haven’t yet bought a copy, there’ll be a limited opportunity to get an Artist’s Edition PDG.

To summarize: I really want to make these limited Artist’s Editions something you’ll treasure, and something that’s of increased value. So if you were aching for a sketch in your book, order your signed and sketched “Artist’s Edition” now!

Have more questions? Ask them HERE. Thanks!

The Grammarians™!

Join me in congratulating our Grammarians™:
Michelle Alford, Douglas Lane, Toby Chernoff, and Jennie McStotts!

Remember: everyone who volunteered will get a sketch from me…so make sure you send me your address.

(I originally was shooting for three, but when Jennie sent in her e-mail, I couldn’t say ‘no’ to the former editor for the Journal of International and Comparative Law and the current editor for the International Journal of Heritage Studies.)

Between now and the new year, these folks will be helping me plow through the transcription process. Go, go mighty morphin’ power ninja turtle Grammarians!

Book Party!

I promised you that the book-launch party would be awesome…and now I can reveal the details!

On Monday, Dec. 4th, from 7-11 PM, the very cool Crescent Hotel in Beverly Hills will be hosting the launch party for “The Good, The Bad & the Pugly”! Drink sponsors Hpnotiq and Vitamin Water will be on hand, giving out free mixed cocktails and drinks in an absolutely awesome indoor/outdoor lounge setting. It really is one of LA’s coolest spots (check out the Flash tour for yourself)! Copies of “The Good, The Bad & The Pugly” will of course be available, and I’ll be putting personalized sketches into books all night long.

Here is your map, which can be modified with your starting point. There is valet parking out front, and free street parking on the surrounding streets.

The featured Hpnotiq cocktails for the night (I’m thinking of calling them “The Pugly” and “The Lucky Duck”) and Vitamin Water are free…and there’ll also be a cash bar and kitchen for anything your tastebuds might crave.

I’m telling you now: don’t miss this night. The music will be jumpin’, the free drinks will be flowin’, the Pugly sketches will be flyin’, and there may even be a Sheldon Original Art raffle giveaway.

So I’ll see you there on Dec. 4th!



PS: The attire is probably in the “LA classy/club” range. What does that mean? Lord if I know…I’m a guy, after all. Like every good husband everywhere, my wife will probably end up dressing me. 🙂

Kenny Rogers

For those outside of the U.S., I thought I should post this
link to the weirdest-backslash-saddest idea anyone ever had for a restaurant chain.

Imagine being in that marketing meeting:

“People! When customers think of Kenny Rogers’ dusty grey beard, and semi-creepy ‘old-man-even-when-he-was-a-young-man’ look, what do they think of?”

“Delicious, delicious chicken, Bob. Delicious, delicious chicken.”

[EDIT: A reader just e-mailed me to tell me there’s only ONE “Kenny Roger’s Roasters” still open. Man, that makes Sunday’s comic just… depressing.]


I’ll be picking the three Grammarians™ later this weekend.

But here’s the good news: if you were one of the 25 volunteers who offered to be a transcription editor, I’m sending each one of you a character sketch as a “thank you”. Kindness should be rewarded in this world, and each one of you exhibited an awesome enthusiasm and generosity of spirit in your e-mails. So if you volunteered, send me your preferred mailing address…’cause I’ll be sending you a little sum-sum.

Thanks for volunteering!

Two dozen folks have stepped forward already, volunteering to be one of three “Sheldon Editors” for the transcription system. So, awesome-possum to all of you! And, in a wonderful turn-of-events that doesn’t AT ALL make my decision more difficult…they all seem to have doctorates in editing.

(By the way: instead of “Sheldon Editors”, I’m thinking about giving these folks a superhero crime-fighting name, like “The Grammarians”. Just sounds cooler.)

Also! Save the date for Monday night, Dec. 4th! We’ll be holding the launch party for “The Good, The Bad & The Pugly”. The party will be held at a truly awesome location…to be revealed shortly. But trust me: if you’re anywhere near Los Angeles (Beverly Hills, actually), you won’t want to miss this.