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Sale ends Friday…

If you are on the internet, and have a working mouse and keyboard, then THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU:

You have until Friday to save $15 on the Sheldon 3-pack of books!

The 3-pack combines books 1, 2, and 3 — three books that would otherwise cost you $45 –but until Friday it’s just $30 for all of ’em! Plus there’s a cheap, bundled shippin’ fee for gettin’ them all at once, so you’re saving there, too. Wa-BAM! Savings!

Pasadena Art Night: Friday, Oct 8th

Attention, Pasadena! This Friday night I’m a guest at the big ol’ Pasadena Art Night, which takes place in all the big cultural building around the city.

The young David Malki and I will both be signin’, sketchin’, sellin’, and sayin’ “hi” to readers…from 6-10PM in the cool 1920’s room in the Central Library. Come on out! Bring the kids! Bring the cat!*

*Provided the cat likes cultural events, and gettin’ cool, free sketches from cartoonists.

SALE! Get the first 3 Sheldon books super cheap!

Hot buttered ham! All this week, save $15 on the Sheldon 3-pack of books!

The 3-pack combines books 1, 2, and 3 — three books that would otherwise cost you $45 –and this week it’s just $30 for all of ’em. Plus there’s even a cheap, bundled shippin’ fee for gettin’ them all at once, so you’re saving there, too.

Another way of looking at it: That’s 408 pages of Sheldony goodness for just 30 smackers!

Update on the Drive Website

Along with today’s installment of DRIVE, I thought I’d give you an update on the new website for the comic.

The site’s design is all done, as are all the assets…and now it’s just a matter of applying all the coding (for archive navigation, etc., etc.) and configuring all the backend stuff. This part of the process is always sorta Murphy’s Law, but we’re gettin’ super close. No guarantees, but I think it’s just a few weeks away. 

…I’m excited for you guys to start usin’ it: Thanks for your patience in the meantime!