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Knowing the tricks of advertising…and still falling for it.

I get it. Cuteness sells.

Cuteness triggers all sorts of basic, human parenting instincts and emotional responses that no logical brain can fully ignore…resulting in a higher possibility of an emotionally based purchase the next time you’re in the store.

I get it. I understand it. And I see it comin’ a mile away.

But dang it! Dang this commercial! I can not resist its charms! I’m singing this dang thing constantly. A capella style, Gregorian-monk style, George Clinton Parliament style. It’s ridiculous. This commercial has wedded itself to my deepest synapses.

The ad team that came up with this thing should all be getting Mazda Miatas for Christmas bonuses.

Heads Up, Italian Sheldonistas!

Just a quick note for any Sheldonistas living in or around Palermo:

My wife has a play going up at the Teatro Nuovo Montevergini. It’s a wonderful, all-monologue show called “In Her Shoes,” and this is the show’s Italian premiere. Previously, this play was translated into Italian by Valter Cassini Press — so if you can’t make it to the play, pick up an Italian copy, under the title “Accessories”!

(I’m sorry to say I don’t have the dates/times for the play itself in Palermo…and my Google searching in Italian is not so “fantastico,” so I can’t find it. But! If you’re in Palermo, I’m assuming you can find it lickety-split!)

Yelp Ain’t Working

Do you remember, a few months back, when I asked Sheldonistas to give feedback on The Sheldon Store using
this Yelp link?

The idea was that it’d be far better for Sheldonistas to hear from one another about their experiences than it would be to hear it from me. And I still like that idea, I think it’s a useful one. But Yelp ain’t doing the job.

The Yelp site itself is more designed for local restaurants and stuff, not so much for the online world. Additionally, Yelp’s software algorithms have automatically deleted the posts from any kind Sheldonistas who added their review of the store …but who never posted anything else on their local restaurants. I can understand why Yelp’s software would do that…but it doesn’t help you or I if Sheldonistas don’t want to comment on their local Domino’s Pizza, as well as their Sheldon Store review. 🙂

But since I’d still like to do something like this, let me ask: Does anyone have an third-party review site they’d recommend for use with the Sheldon Store? If we can figure out a good one, we’ll move the “O-fficial Sheldon Store Reviews” over there.

Thanks, in advance, for any ideas!

Seattle, Here I Come!

Big reminder: If you’re within driving distance to Seattle, you HAVE to go to Emerald City Comic-Con on May 10 & 11th.

Emerald is rapidly becoming my favorite comics convention in the U.S., and they’re pulling out all the stops to welcome myself and “Sheldon”.

And since so many, many Sheldonistas live in and around Seattle (…it’s the biggest readership for Sheldon in the U.S.) this show can’t help but be awesome. I’ll be signing and selling, and giving out free sketches to Sheldonistas…so please come on down!

Gettin’ Contacts

As long as I can remember, I’ve had a huge fear of getting anything near/on/around my eyes. Perfectly normal fear, I suppose, and not one to worry about…except that it’s kept me from getting contacts for my vision.

Been totally terrified of it.

But I decided that it was about dang time for a dang grownup to get over his dang fears…so off I went to the optometrist. And in the process, I found the perfect cure for eye-related fears: A super-tough-but-kind-hearted nurse from Russia.

Man! Now I see how the Russians survive those winters: Sheer, unyeilding stubbornness…tainted with genuine big-heartedness. This woman was awesome.

And by God, she did. Took me 2 1/2 hours, but with her help I got ’em in!

And today, when I tried it again at home, it only took me an hour. So…progress! Right?

New York Comic-Con

Amid all my goings-on, I almost forgot to mention: If you’re going to New York Comic-Con this year, make sure you swing by booth #1863 and say hi to my friends Brad Guigar
and Paul Southworth. Both are cartoonists and gentlemen of the highest order…and will be two of the “guest” cartoonists for Sheldon next week!

Anna Karenina!

What are the odds that “Sheldon” and the thoroughly excellent “Little Dee” would make an “Anna Karenina” reference on the same day?

That, my friends, is some rare comics/literature convergence, right there.

Interview Time

Every once in a while a podcast will invite me on for an interview about “Sheldon”…but I’ve rarely had as in-depth or enjoyable an interview as the one I recorded with “Art & Story“.

My portion starts at the 10-minute mark, so skip the exposition at the front, if you’d like. Here are some of the topics we covered in the chat:

– How do I create “Sheldon”?

– What’s the point of the strip? Why do I do it?

– What’s more important in cartooning: The art or the writing?

– How does an artist piece together their “style”?

– What’s the tone of “Sheldon”? Optimistic toward the world? Cynical?

– Looking at how Arthur Conan Doyle originally composed “Sherlock Holmes” in episodic updates, what can we learn for longer-form comics online?

– Why did I/we write “How To Make Webcomics”?

More Kind Words for “How To Make Webcomics”

In the cartooning and illustration worlds, few sites have generated as much respect for their links and reviews as “Drawn”. Even Time magazine ranked it among its “50 Coolest Websites” list.

So I was really chuffed when “Drawn” put up a nice writeup of “How to Make Webcomics”. You can check out their write-up here.

Catching Up…

After a week or so away from any computer larger than my phone, I’m back to work and catching up!

There are a few bits of fun news to report in the next few days, but that’ll have to wait until I catch up on a few dozen admin things, and a massively clogged inbox. 🙂

In the meantime, thanks for all your posts and e-mails on the recent Oso storyline. It was a fun change of pace for me, and I’m glad to see you guys enjoyed it!