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Bringing Up Father

You may have heard me mention my love for George McManus’ great pre-War comic strip, “Bringing Up Father”. Apropos of nothing in particular, I thought I’d do an homage in his style, today.

If you’d like to see past homages, you can check out my versions of Krazy Kat, and Goodnight Moon.


This weekend, while giving a talk to the National Cartoonist Society, I had a realization onstage: My scifi comic strip DRIVE might end up being the thing I’m most proud of, career-wise. Even moreso than Sheldon or the feature film I’m making, DRIVE just generates such joy in me. I love working on it, love seeing people’s reactions to it, love seeing that universe take shape.

If you haven’t yet read it, and like Dune/Asimov/Hitchhiker’s Guide…check it out. It might be right up your alley. It’s rapidly becoming the thing I’m most proud of.

PS: At the National Cartoonist Society meeting, this weekend, Jim Davis name-checked me three times during his talk! Oh man, that qualifies as a good weekend, hearing a childhood hero say nice things about you. 🙂

Daisy Bell

Daisy Bell is, arguably, the MOST adorable song. How many other pop songs from 1892 you see people beltin’ out, still?


First, the good news: I’ve just finished the DRIVE installment for this Thursday. For those that like insider hints, let’s just say it involves a species that sounds like “Smesskans”.

Secondly: I needed to check out a date in the Drive universe, and thought I’d try the Wikipedia entry on the strip…and found it kind of a bummer. It’s missin’ a lot of stuff! So if any of you are into Wikipedia, feel free to go to town on that entry!

I’d love to see you guys flesh it out!

Strip Recommendation

After writing today’s strip, I started doodling out what I wanted Arthur’s spirit-fish to look like. And again and again, I kept sketching out the same type of fish. It took me a second to realize what was happening…but I was sketching out little homage images to one of my favorite comic strips of all time: Sherman’s Lagoon, by Jim Toomey.

It’s a wonderful, sarcastic, joy-filled strip — that’s perfect for kids and adults — and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s just all kinds of wonderful. Sherman’s Lagoon, guys.