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UPA Style

In the process of making Stripped, we wanted to create a faux 1950’s instructional video to explain how the business of comics worked in newspapers. That, of course, required some period-appropriate illustrations. So I tried to mimic the famous (and sometimes famously bad) UPA style.

Anyway…I had so much fun drawing that way, that I thought we’d take a little diversionary stroll this week in Sheldon. It’s a super freeing style to draw in: It’s actually taught me a few things, just in trying it out.

3 bits of news!

DRIVE will be starting back up again in early September

I have a plan to get rid of the schedule interruptions for DRIVE: Patreon.

As you know, DRIVE continually takes in on the chin, schedule-wise. I love this story so much — it’s my favorite among all my projects — but it’s not really income-earning. So, in the real world of making a living, it takes a back seat to Sheldon and Stripped. But with Patreon, you could genuinely become a patron of the strip. It’s a win-win: I’ll be able to block out the time the strip deserves, and you’ll be getting more and better updates as a result. More details on that in the weeks ahead when I launch the Patreon page: I’ve gotta record the ol’ Patreon video, first!

For the FIRST TIME EVER, I’m coming to Salt Lake City, giving out free sketches at the huge new Comic Con, Sept 4-6! I’ll of course be bringing all the Drive books, Sheldon books, and the Stripped DVDs and posters. But what I’m really bringing? …Is friendship.

I know there’s a lot of Drive readers in and around SLC, so I really really want to ask you to come out! This would be a fun show to come back to year after year, and you can make that happen! Vote with your feet and come say hi! (To sweeten the pot, there’s a FREE SCREENING of my film Stripped for all SLCC attendees, on Saturday at noon.)

Get your convention pass now, and see you in SLC!

Salt Lake Here I Come!

For the FIRST TIME EVER, I’m coming to Salt Lake City, giving out free sketches at the huge new Comic Con, Sept 4-6! I’ll of course be bringing all the Sheldon and Drive books/posters, as well as the Stripped DVDs and posters. But what I’m really bringing? …Is friendship.

I know there’s a lot of Sheldon readers in and around SLC, so I really really want to ask you to come out! This would be a fun show to come back to year after year, and you can make that happen! Vote with your feet and come say hi!

To sweeten the pot, there’s a FREE SCREENING of my film Stripped for all SLCC attendees, on Saturday at noon.

Oh! And if you ever had your eye on a Sheldon original, e-mail me the date/description, and I’ll bring it along! I always knock $25 off originals at shows.

Get your convention pass now, and see you in SLC!

Stripped on Amazon!

For those of you that love Amazon and that sweet, sweet free Prime shipping, great news: My film STRIPPED is now on Amazon!

The DVD features the full-length documentary (Voted “Best Documentary” at Comic-Con…just sayin’), the full Directors’ Commentary, and a bonus, 83-minute interview with Jim Davis of Garfield. Look, I’m not great on math, but I’m pretty sure that adds up to over a BILLION HOURS of content. Pretty sweet deal!

OR! You can also get it…

1.) Direct from us! With over 25 hours of full interviews!
2.) iTunes and iTunes Canada!
3.) Google Play!
4.) The super cool folks at Topatoco!