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Build your own Fillipod!

This is so neat! As part of the DriveKickstarter.com game goal, Carrier Lost built a Lego Fillipod. And then kindly made this video on how to do it!

Thank you, Carrier Lost!

…and if you do build your own, please take a pic and share it with us!

Free Sheldon collections?!?!

Sheldon readers, do I have big news! You now get PUGS UNLEASHED and ANATOMY OF ANIMALS *free* as eBooks, when you get the Drive Hardcover Book!

Even better: If we can get to 1611 backers for the Kickstarter, every hardcover will get ALL EIGHT SHELDON COLLECTIONS as eBooks!

All eight! Free! 1,000 pages of award-winning comics! Free!

If you’ve never read Drive — or missed getting book one — this Kickstarter is the best way to jump in. The comic was designed to be read in book form, and this book is gonna be beeee-ooootiful, thanks to the 16 stretch goals we’ve unlocked.

Join us! And let’s get those Sheldon collections!!!
LINK —-> DriveKickstarter.com

*EIGHT* stretch goals unlocked! Every hardcover gets a dust-jacket…and a SECOND COVER!

Friends! Thank you for spreading the word about DriveKickstarter.com: Because of you, we just unlocked our EIGHTH stretch goal!

That means that every hardcover gets a super cool dust jacket…which means we get to add a second, HIDDEN cover like we did for ACT ONE. That hidden cover was made to look like it was held in the Familia archives. This one will be made to look like it’s held in the Jinyiwei archives in the Panopticon on Nuevo Chile! Have a look, below!

And keep spreading the word — the *next* stretch goals adds two maps to the hardcovers on fancy Endpapers!