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Them Stars Is Big, Sometimes

Relative to today’s strip, I thought I’d share this cool video showing comparative sizes of notable planets and stars.

Set “Sale” for Awesomeness

(Alternate Bad Title: “Sale Into Adventure”)

Americans are grudgingly rollin’ back into the office today, so let’s turn to some good news with three sales on Sheldon stuff!

1.) Get Pure Ducky Goodness, the first Sheldon collection, for just $10! From now until December 31st, start your collection (or start a friend on their collection), and save 33% on the book!

2.) Free Book: Buy the first two Sheldon collections, and get the third one, free! Also good from now until December 31st.

3.) AND THE BEST DEAL OF ALL JUST GOT EXTENDED: For a 24-hour period today, all of the original art for strips will be $20-off their normal price, PLUS free shipping to ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. But: This is only for 24 hours, Monday (Pacific Standard Time). And this time we mean it! *stamps foot*

To get your favorite strip: Use the site’s search function to type in your favorite punchline, keywords, characters, or strip. Then, once you’ve located it, click the blue “Buy Today’s Original Art” text under that comic.

When Pugs Attack!

Sheldonista Linda L. sent me in this fantastic picture of her and her two pugs. (Unless, of course, the person named “Linda” who e-mailed me was, in fact, one of the pugs. Can’t rule that out, on the internet.)

As Linda points out, she’s rockin’ not only the Pugs book, but the Mind of a Ninja/Body of a Manatee shirt.


It’s pictures like this that remind me we need to make pug-size versions of The Anatomy of a Pug shirt.

Thanks for the pic, Linda!

(…and/or the pug who sent this!)

Twilight Zone

No “Drive” this week: It’ll be returning next Saturday. In the meantime, curl up with excessive amounts of pie, an old episode of Twilight Zone, and enjoy the weekend!

I don’t know what it says about the U.S. that, when given a long weekend around a holiday, television stations always seem to show a marathon of Twilight Zone. I imagine the station manager just pops in a DVD of season 3 at the broadcast center, gets in their car, and goes home for more pie. These marathons can’t be a coincidence.


For all those celebrating with friends and family, today, and to those far from home, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving.

With the loss of my uncle a few days ago, I’m feeling a particularly strong sense of carpe diem, at the moment, and am immensely grateful for the days and the deeds I’m lucky enough to have.

And thank you, friends, for dropping by “Sheldon” in days past, and all the many days to come. I feel so thankful that I’m able to draw this strip every day for folks all around the world. And so thankful for the many kindnesses you have shown me in return. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

New Book in the Store!

Hot off the presses, the new Sheldon book collection is available now!

I’ll be honest and say this one might be my favorite, for the cover alone. This collection features storylines like: Flaco’s Olympic trip, Dante’s art competition, the great Hawaiian vacation, and the adventures of Sir Biggles Chiggles. There’s even bonus content you can’t see online, including ridiculous knightly poems, Arthur’s “activity pages,” and more. Here’s a sample:

I really think you guys are gonna enjoy it. A lot of love when into this baby.

Along those lines: I and my family want to thank every last one of you who orders the books, as they are a huge part of how Sheldon keeps going. As you know, we give the strip away every day for free on the site, RSS, and in daily e-mails. So when you treat yourself to a book, you’re not only getting a cool collection, you’re directly supporting *new* Sheldon strips being created tomorrow. So thank you!

Artist Edition #1: “Still Got It”

Hot off the presses, copies of the new Sheldon book, “Still Got It,” are here! I’ve started crack-a-lackin’ on drawing all 300 Artist Edition copies of the book, which will be going on sale in the next few days. But! In the meantime, check out the artistic flourish that I ended up giving to the #1 book!

(…and here’s another little Flaco on the facing page, commenting on the #1/300…)

We’ll be separating #1 out from the other books for the true Uber-Sheldonista out there who wants the best of the Artist Editions for their bookshelf. ** Here’s your chance to snag it!** Shipping for this book will be FREE in the U.S., and we’ll start the ball rolling at 1 penny for it….’cause I’d rather let you guys decide what it’s worth.

(Click here for a larger image.)

Free Sheldon Book

Starting today, and running through December, when you pick up the first and second Sheldon collections, you’ll also get the third one, FREE.

It’s the best deal we’ve ever had on books!

Just head here, pick up the first two books, and the third book’s thrown in FREE!

It’s a great way to start your Sheldon collection, and an even better way to solve all your gift-giving in one swoop!

Monday’s Strip…Come to Life

Sheldon reader Kurt M. sent in an awesome photo-comic version of today’s strip. Click here, or the picture below, for a larger comparison shot. Thanks, Kurt — this is awesome!