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Free Wallpapers!

Sheldonista Richard H. sent in some awesome wallpapers for everyone of the recent Cirrrr-cle of Liiiiiifestrip, so I’m posting ’em here for you to grab.

Richard writes: “I’ve only made 2 sizes of each version, as most computers are capable of resizing desktop images to fit. The files 1920×1200 are in 16:10 flatscreen ratio, and the files 1600×1200 are in 4:3 CRT ratio. Hope you like them!”

Thanks, Richard — these are great!

1600×1200 version

1920×1200 version

1600×1200 version

1920×1200 version

1600×1200 version

1920×1200 version

“How to Make Webcomics” Nominated

In fun news, our book How To Make Webcomics was nominated for a Harvey Award!

Named in honor of the late Harvey Kurtzman, one of the industry’s most innovative talents, the Harvey Awards recognize outstanding work in comics and sequential art. They will be presented October 10, 2009 in Baltimore, MD, in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con.

(Extra congrats to my compadres Scott Kurtz, David Malki and Kazu Kibuishi for their nominations for
Pvp, Wondermark and
Flight. All much-deserved nods!)

Hooray! The new book will be at SDCC!

It’s confirmed: We’ll have advance copies of the new Sheldon book “Living Dangerously (With Saturated Fats)” at San Diego Comic-Con! The advance copies came in on Friday, and LOOK AWESOME. I’m so excited for you guys to see it.

Anyone picking up their book at SDCC will get a free, personalized sketch in theirs, as well as the “Official 2009 San Diego Comic-Con Commemorative High Five.”


I just realized that my Kaiser entry is sitting two posts up from my own ridiculous photo. Irony, thy name is Kaiser

Ridiculous Beard is to a Kaiser, as Water is to a Fish

I had a Sheldon reader e-mail me today, asking “which Kaiser” I meant in Thursday’s strip. Let’s be honest: When it comes to dopey facial hair, most any Kaiser offers a solid choice. It was almost a prerequisite for getting the job. But for my money, you can’t beat the ridiculous, ridiculous chops on Wilhelm I.

Not a lot of ladies swooning when this dude walks in with his sails unfurled on both cheeks.

Facebook: Sheldon Group

In the forums, a reader asked if there was a Sheldon-group in Facebook. There is, but I’ll be honest: Since their redesign, I don’t know how to find anything in Facebook anymore. I’m like a 90-year old in there: There’s all these strange buttons and links and noises and wolves and I wander around scared.

Anyway, Sheldon forum-goer “zoster_i” kindly set us up with the link, and it is thus.

Your local cartoonist, just hangin’ out. Normal day. You know how it goes.

Actually, that’s a fib. This is me at the Wondermark book launch party: They had a pretty sweet dress-up photo booth.

Wondermark, for the uninitiated, is created by fellow Los Angeleno cartoonist David Malki, and brilliantly uses Victorian-era illustrations in a Monty Pythonesque mashup with modern-day themes. It’s pretty awesome.

Anyhoo, Dave’s second book just launched, and I couldn’t recommend it more. It’s beautifully hard-bound, beautifullly printed, and beautifully funny. (Bam: What a turn of phrase, right there.)

Also: Let’s not discuss it at great length, but check out the quadruple (quintuple?) chins I was able to generate.

Winsor McCay

If you’re not a cartooning buff, you may not have heard of early 20th-Century cartoonist Winsor McCay. But to every cartoonist from Charles Schulz to Walt Disney to yours truly, he’s held up as one of the true, pioneering greats of his (or any) time. His strips “Little Nemo” and “Dreams of a Rarebit Fiend” are among the most gorgeous, fantastical creations you’ll ever see. Spend 10 minutes with a Google Image search: You’ll see what I mean.

His hometown held a “Winsor McCay Day” yesterday…and in honor of that I thought I’d share another one of the hallmark works he was known for pioneering: Animation. (Each one of these 4,000+ panels, keep in mind, were drawn by him and hand-colored by him.)

First-Ever Sheldon Painting

Those of you who follow Twitter know I’ve jumped back into oil painting, after ten years away from it. And I thought I’d offer up this painting to someone who might like it: It’s the first-ever Sheldon-themed painting!

Painted in oils on a 12″ x 12″ canvas, this first one is a Flaco portrait, showing everyone’s favorite lizard in full-on, super-excited “Squee”-mode. And what wall couldn’t benefit from a little extra “squee”? We’ve tested it in 6 or 7 rooms, and it turns out that yeah, totally, *any* wall could benefit from it. 🙂

Ready for framing, this painting is also edged in red, in case you prefer frameless wall-hangings.

Will be packed safe within protective paper, sealed plastic, and cushioning…and will be shipped via U.S. Priority Mail or International Priority Mail.

The proud owner can request a personalized inscription on the back, should they choose.

If you’d like to see a larger shot of it, click HERE. And if you’d like to throw your name in the hat for it, click HERE.