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Seattle! I’m at ECC this weekend!

Seattle! It’s time for our ANNUAL FRIENDSHIP HUG OF FRIENDSHIP. Because I’m at Emerald City Comicon, Thurs-Sunday! With rad exclusives you can only get at the show!* I’m at booth 1116, on the main Skybridge entrance! You can’t miss me!

*(Sheldon Patreon supporters will also get a chance to snag ’em, next week…to thank them for supporting the strip! So sign up for Patreon at twenty-five cents, if you haven’t yet!)

Seattle! I’m at ECC this weekend!

Seattle! It’s time for our ANNUAL FRIENDSHIP HUG OF FRIENDSHIP. Because I’m at Emerald City Comicon, Thurs-Sunday! With rad exclusives you can only get at the show!* I’m at booth 1116, on the main Skybridge entrance! You can’t miss me!

*(Drive Patreon supporters will also get a chance to snag ’em, next week…to thank them for supporting the strip! So sign up for Patreon at twenty-five cents, if you haven’t yet!)

Want to help make the DRIVE book amazing?

I’m done with all updates/changes in the DRIVE archives! It looks great! Read through the archives again, and you’ll see.

In fact: For those of you who like proofreading/fact-checking, I NEED YOUR HELP. For the big DRIVE omnibus book of Act One, I want to make sure I didn’t introduce new typos or mistakes.

So! I’ve put together this public, shareable spreadsheet where you can note any corrections you think should be made.


As you read through the archives from here: http://www.drivecomic.com/archive/090815.html

to here:



Note ANY suggested changes or corrections, here!


And thank you!!!


Makin’ Progress on the Book!

Thought I’d share this with you, as it’s been consuming my weeks. (But in a good way!)

I really want the DRIVE hardcover book to look amazing, so I’m taking the time to go over each comic file with care. The story’s been told over 7 years, using *three* separate ways to draw the strip (ink, ink/digital hybrid, pure digital), and in the process transitioning between three different computers. So files are NEEDIN’ ORGANIZATION!

Most notably, when you read through it all at once, you see 7 years of variation in font and color choices…which I’ve always intended to unify for the book (and for the site). I’m very pleased with how it’s turning out.

I’m also taking the time to George Lucas a few key panels that I’ve always hated

to look at. Panels that were drawn either when I was super sick with the flu or under some time crunch — which resulted in, well, panels I hated.

Here’s the most glaring example: