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This week: FREE U.S. SHIPPING & $10-OFF!

For those looking for the perfect Sheldon gift, I’d highly recommend this deal:

Get three Sheldon books for $10-off, and get free U.S. shipping! You can get either books 1-3, OR books 4-6! So it’s good for new readers or long-time fans.

Third Drive book is here!

Hey hey hey! In good news: Copies of the third DRIVE book, “Such A Lovely Species,” are now available for gettin’!

You can either get the regular ol’ awesome book, or get the limited-number Artist Edition, which includes a signed sketch!

TODAY ONLY: $1 books, $50-off original art…plus new books!

Lots going on, this Monday! Here’s the summary: 1.) There’s a new Pug book, 2.) A new Drive book, 3.) Sheldon original art is $50-off today, 4.) The Sheldon “Still Got It” book is just $1 dollar, today. ONE DOLLAR.

Now let’s tackle them in detail.

1.) The first pug book collection may have sold out, but I have good news: We got the new printing in of “Pugs: God’s Little Weirdos” aaaaaand there’s an entirely new pug book available, called Pugs: They Think They’re People (…Old, Retired People)

2.) For readers of my strip Drive, the third book collection is out!

3.) Today only, Sheldon original art is $50-off the normal price. If you’ve had your eye on a piece, today is your day. You can search for the strip you want by entering keywords or parts of the punchline, here. Then click “Buy Today’s Original Art” under that strip.

4.) Also today: The Sheldon book Still Got IT is JUST ONE DOLLAR. A.) Because it’s fun to have one ridiculously good deal in the store, and B.) Because I put a lot of love into these books, and I really want more of you to see how high-quality they are. They’re super classy! And I’m hoping — if you like this book — that you’ll consider supporting the strip with another book down the road. The kind folks who pick up a book or piece of artwork keep the website running — and I hope you’ll join ’em!

Caption Contest

To celebrate the launch of both new books in the store, we’re having a Black Friday Caption contest!

Enter your *single* funniest caption in the blog comments, below (don’t e-mail or tweet it to me), and I’ll pick a winner by next Friday. You’ll get a signed copy of the new Pugs 2 book, and the third Drive book!

Good luck!

The Play’s The Thing

We’re starting in on another storyline — sillier, really, than the Undeveloped storyline — that we’ll call “The Play’s The Thing.”

Theater, alas, is one of my unchased dreams in life. I love acting, love being onstage, love that unique, two-way communication that you only get with a live audience. And every once in a while, I’ll walk the boards here in LA…and every time it makes me wistful for the road not taken. In a different life, with different choices, I would’ve loved the acting life.

*But not the auditioning life. That part is miserable.


I know statehood is still only a possibility, at this point, for Puerto Rico…and many years off, at best. And I know that the ballot itself had flaws in the way the two-part question for status quo, statehood, independence, or sovereign free association was presented. And I know the idea of joining the union as a state is a far more complicated issue than my mind wants it to be. But I’ll just say it: I was really excited to see the outcome of Puerto Rico’s vote.

I remember my first time reading through the history of 1800’s America: And seeing the constantly, constantly, constantly evolving US flag…as state after state got added, and the stars had to be reconfigured in all sorts of ways. But even as a schoolkid, I thought those days of an expanding union were behind us. That, after Hawaii’s addition in 1959, that was that.

So maybe it’s the schoolkid in me, getting excited at this. A bit of youthful idealism in the idea of America. But I can’t help but be excited at the possibility of Puerto Rico as the 51st state.