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Spot the Arthur

Sheldonista David M. sent in this shot, and I had to share it with you. It’s perfect for playing the ages-old game, “Spot the Arthur in Old, Poured Asphalt”.

It’s pretty good, isn’t it? Thanks, David!

Drive Archives

Hey! It’s Saturday! That means it’s time for our sci-fi series, “Drive”. Here are the archives in order:

Text Entry: Continuum,
Text Entry: Secrets,
Text Entry: Veetans,
#16, #17, Text Entry: Memos, #18, #19, #20, #21.

Open the above links in tabs to read ’em in order.

Oh! Also! For those curious: I did a rough estimate of how many pages it’ll take me to finish the first “part” of the story (essentially, the first book) — and it looks like roughly 150 to 200 pages. So that means we’ll be wrapping up the first book around January 2013.

Lordy Lord!

Ohio State Cartoon Donation

A good while back, Ohio State asked me to donate a few pieces of Sheldon original art to their (fantastic) permanent collection at the Cartoon Library & Museum.

If you remember, I then asked you guys which cartoons you’d suggest I send: The strips that would best encapsulate the look/feel/theme(s) of the strip.

Well, here are the four I netted out with. I think they’re a pretty good representation of “Sheldon” in four strips! So thank you guys for your input — it was really, really helpful!



3, and


Mega Butterrrrrrr!

Do you guys remember Arthur’s idea for Mega Butter the other day?

Well, Sheldonista and fellow foodie Ruth B. was inspired, and put together her own Mega Butter recipe! Check it out over here!

And remember: If you make it at home, make sure you tell Ruth how awesome she is. 🙂

Reader-Created Version of “Drive” Ship

Over in the Sheldon forums, Stickfodder just posted up some first-pass CAD images of the scout ship “Machito” from Drive. It’s still a work in progress, but I thought this was AWESOME to see…and had to share it with you guys.

This is awesome, Stickfodder! And, it should probably go without saying, but I totally encourage this, if more folks want to take a crack at it. It’s really fun to see!

Call for Questions!

Sheldon readers! I’m going to be interviewed on a comics-focused show called Tall Tales Radio, and they’ve kindly invited your questions. If you have anything you’d like to see asked of me re: Sheldon, Drive, how I create the strips, or anything at all, drop a line to Tom, the show’s host.

I’ll be sure to let you know when the interview goes up for you to listen to. Thanks!