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The High Cost of Living in 1979

Have you ever read

strip from the Sheldon archives?

Sheldonista Nolan B. did, and he sent me this e-mail afterward:

Hey Dave! My name is Nolan and I’m a big fan.

I was looking through your archives and I noticed that Grandpa spent
$1,300 on a Microwave in 1979. Check out the information I got from

In 2002, $1,300.00 from 1973 is worth:
$5,261.42 using the Consumer Price Index,
$4,252.76 using the GDP deflator,
$5,559.30 using the value of consumer bundle,
$5,110.79 using the unskilled wage,
$7,232.43 using the nominal GDP per capita,
$9,843.41 using the relative share of GDP. [He spent] four to ten thousand dollars on a microwave!

Thing better have a rack…

Contest: Win Original Art!

Just for fun, we’re going to have a little contest all this week: a scavenger hunt! Somewhere in the Sheldon archives, I’ve hidden this image…

The first person to find it will get a free, personalized drawing of any Sheldon character(s) they want!

Here’s how to play:

1.) Search the Sheldon archives to find the red square, seen above. The square will be located inside an actual strip. Specifically, in one of the daily, black-and-white, Monday-Saturday strips.

2.) Once you’ve found it, drop me a line to tell me the date of the mystery strip!

3.) IMPORTANT! Don’t say or share the date publicly in the forum…just e-mail me. I want to keep it fun for everyone else who hasn’t found it yet.

4.) I’ll announce the winner on or just after Monday, Nov. 19th. And of course, I’ll be sure to show a picture of their prize illustration shortly after that!

THE PRIZE: Will be a one-foot-by-one-foot illusration, drawn on acid-free Bristol vellum paper, using archival, lightfast inks. You can be assured it’s gonna be rad, and will be well worth the effort. (And remember: you’ll get to pick the characters and text you want in your drawing!)

Ladies and gentlemen…start your engines! And remember, half the fun here is re-reading some of your favorites!

3rd-Stage Halloween Candy

In light of this past favorite strip on 3rd-Stage Halloween Candy, San Diego Sheldonista Rodel A. sent me this shot of he and a friend loadin’ up. They were sad to report that the 1st-Stage Christmas Candy was not yet available.

Followup: The Artist’s Decision Tree

Sheldonista Meredith F. sent in a funny observation about this strip.

“So, I was at my professor’s studio yesterday for a presentation. As we were wandering around the different studios, I noticed a box of Krispy Kremes sitting out. Of course, I started laughing and asked Mr. Behle if he knew where they came from. Apparently, the painter who works in that studio space eats donuts when he is frustrated. I told him about your comic. Now he’s addicted, too!”

Thanks, Meredith — it’s awesome to see the “Krispy Kreme” option is a viable one!

Jabba Costume

In light of Sheldon’s Halloween costume choice, Sheldonista Brad F. sent in an awesome link. Make sure you watch the video on the link.

Also, may I offer a quick follow-up thought on this? The kind of follow-up thought that no one ever considers when they see a link like this:

On October 31st, you debut your weeks-long Jabba creation to universal acclaim, lots of photos, and plenty of back patting.

On November 1st, you’re standing by yourself, and left wondering where the heck to store the dang thing.

Total reversal of emotions.

See? See?!?

Example A: Sheldon

Example B: The Real World

Special thanks to Aussie Sheldonista Sam F. for sendin’ that in!


Completely unrelated note about Australia: Lately, my wife and I have started using Australian sport chants around the house. For no particular reason, when we’re both reading quietly, for example, I’ll suddenly go “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!” and she’ll go “Oi, oi, oi!”


The Artist’s Life

There’s been a lot of e-mails in the ol’ inbox from artists and art-hobbyists who’ve been enjoying the last few strips — especially the The Artist’s Decision Tree. If you’ve been enjoying the last few days, then you’ll want to check out previous interactions between Dante and Arthur about the artistic life:

Handling Criticism

Pouring Your Heart Out In Your Art

The Artist Is A Little God

Why Artists Don’t Go To Prom

Also, quick follow-up: There’s another interview with the Halfpixel guys over at Fleen, about our plans ‘n projects ‘n puppy-dog-wishes for the future.


Turns out the word “scritch” comes from Peanuts! Specifically, the Sept. 24, 1956 strip. Not surprising, actually. It *sounds* like a fun, Schulz-esque word, doesn’t it?

When I was a Cartoonist-in-Residence up at the Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, I had great fun looking at his originals from the 50’s and 60’s (great years)…that’s probably where my brain soaked up that word!

The Onomatopoeia of Pen on Paper

I love the sound “scritch scritch scritch”. I don’t know where I stumbled upon that particular word — I certainly didn’t create it….Crumb, perhaps? — but it served me well in this strip, and in today’s.

Speaking of today’s strip, always fun to have the unnecessary “Soleil Moon Frye” reference in there. Makes absolutely no sense….for which I can only laugh.


[LAST MINUTE EDIT: Ha! I just did an archive search for the word “scritch”…and this Sheldon strip came up as well.]