I almost forgot! There’s just a day left for the Sheldon original art two-fer offering…
Not sure what Arthur’s talking about in today’s strip? Well, for readers unfamiliar with Flaco’s past adventures, check it out:
1.) Here’s the storyline where he runs a TV show:
10, and
2.) Here’s the storyline where he goes to space:
13, and
3.) And specifically, where he fights a bear:
4.) And here’s where he pilots his own plane:
12, and
…are there any Flaco adventures I left out, on that list?
Great news! Copies of How To Make Webcomics have arrived from the publisher, and the Sheldon Store is startin’ to ship them out!
For those who might like it, here is a translation of Arthur’s “dialogue”:
– Hello, madame. How are you?
– My God! It’s the most handsome man in the world!
– Yes, madame. I am the most handsome man in the world.
– And you have muscles of steel, and eyes like the blue sky.
– Yes, madame. It is true.
– But…sir? Why do you have five lettuce?
– It’s not a mystery, madame. I love lettuce.
So here’s the question of the day: Did Arthur not lose his ability to speak Spanish in the below storyline? …or is it maybe coming back? Read it and be the judge:
Click the numbers open in new tabs to read the storyline
There are a ton of new readers joining us from the weekend, so here are two quick introductions to the strip:
The Welcome Page
2.) The Audio Tour (mp3 file)
Thanks for readin’ Sheldon! The comic strip with 28% more concentrated awesomeness than the leading brand.
— Dave
Quick Reminder: Come on out to the Wizard World show, running this Friday through Sunday at the huge LA Convention Center.
I’ll be signin’ and sellin’ and chattin’ and high-fivin’. I’ll be putting free, awesome sketches in books, and parting with Sheldon Original Strip Art for $25 off the normal price! And don’t forget to ask for your 2008 Commemorative Wizard World High-Five: I’m only bringing 98!
I’ll be at table 2820 all three days. Come on out!
(Oh, and if you want a specific original strip, e-mail me to make sure I bring it along. Thanks! See you there!)
Today, Image Comics FedEx’d me a copy of “How To Make Webcomics,” and I’m so, so happy with how it came out. It looks beautiful. And man, talk about hefty! This book weighs in at a pound, and is a half-inch thick! This book could take care of itself in a bar brawl. It’s a solid piece o’ work!
Look at the size of this puppy next to the Sheldon books:
Here’s a list of chapter headings for the book, and a breakdown of the author who steered each:
Introduction (Scott Kurtz)
Chapter 1: Your Webcomic (Dave Kellett)
Chapter 2: Your Characters (Scott Kurtz)
Chapter 3: Formatting (Kris Straub)
Chapter 4: Image Preparation (Brad Guigar)
Chapter 5: Writing (Scott Kurtz)
Chapter 6: Website Design (Kris Straub)
Chapter 7: Branding & Building (Scott Kurtz)
Chapter 8: Interacting with your Audience (Dave Kellett)
Chapter 9: Monetizing your Webcomic (Dave Kellett)
Chapter 10: Books (Brad Guigar)
Chapter 11: Conventions (Brad Guigar)
Chapter 12: Next Steps (Kris Straub)
Chapter 13: A Final Thought (Dave Kellett)
You’ll notice, as soon as you start reading the book, that all four of us are heard from throughout the book — even in chapters we didn’t author — by piping in via sidebars, or voice-bubble “chime-ins” to the topic at hand. It makes for a more interesting read, to see where four artists agree and disagree.
Here are some shots of sample pages:
But here is the bad news: I just found out that the book distributor’s delivery to the Sheldon store won’t be here until Saturday! Three days late, the bums!
Know though, that we’re going to work double-time to get all pre-orders shipped out to you ASAP, as soon as we get ’em! Your support means the world to me, and I am personally going to make sure these ship as fast as humanly possible.
Quick heads up for Sheldon art lovers! After a year or so of having these much-loved pieces next to my drawing desk, I’ve decided to part with two of my favorite Sheldon drawings.
You may remember them from the first pages of “62% More Awesome,” the third Sheldon collection. They feature Flaco, Arthur, Oso and Sheldon…stacked up in all their awesomeness, then shocked in their splashdown. Both drawings are on 11″ x 14″ Bristol Vellum cardstock, drawn with Faber Castell Pitt and Micron Pigma pens. Get both in one throw: They really make for a cool one-two when both of them are framed or displayed next to one another. I really think you’ll dig them.
Here are two closeup shots…
If you’re interested, go ahead and
throw your name into the hat. I started the bid at the lowest possible ebay price, which is something like .99 cents.
After the recent posts ranking global cities, I got a few e-mails from people surprised to see Sheldonistas were, in fact, from all over the world. So I thought this might be interesting: Describe where you’re reading this from. No need to get too specific, just the fun generics will do.
I’ll get us started…
I’m reading (…writing?) this in Los Angeles, California, sitting in my cartooning studio. Outside we had a really nice high-sixties (high-teens, in Celsius) day. Felt like Spring has sprung.
Where are you right now?
[Note: Don’t read this until you’ve read the previous blog post and watched the video…]
After watching that YouTube link, my wife looked up and said, “You know what would’ve made that bird *really* awesome? If it looked straight into the camera and did a dead-on David Attenborough impersonation.”