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Big Reminder: Seattle’s Emerald City ComicCon This Weekend!

Washington-ians! Seattle-ites! People of the Northwest in general! Big reminder that this weekend is Emerald City Comic-Con (Sat, 10-6; Sun 10-5)!

Emerald City has quickly become my favorite convention, because A.) There are tons of Sheldon readers in and around Seattle, B.) The convention itself is super fun, C.) This particular con’ will be the first time my friends and “How To Make Webcomics” co-authors will be in one booth, signing together, and D.) We’ll be giving a featured talk, also called “How To Make Webcomics,” at the show.

It really is going to be a great time. If you can make it, don’t miss it! I’ll be giving out free sketches to Sheldonistas of all shapes and sizes (There were lots of kids, last time I went to Seattle — which was very fun)…and I’ll be chattin’ and givin’ out the Commemorative, Limited Edition, 2008 Emerald City Comic-Con High Fives (Note: Only bringing 65. Get yours quickly, while supplies last).

Also, to say “thank you” to all the Sheldon readers who do make it out, all Sheldon Original Strips will be $25 off the normal price at the show. So if you’ve had your eye on a specific strip, now’s your chance to snag it! Just e-mail me to make sure I bring your favorite.

Thanks! See you there!

The Unbearable Lightness of “Squee”

Sheldonista George B. sent me an interesting read on “squee” that I thought I’d share….

Hey man. I don’t know if you’ve ever talked about this, but I always think about it, and today was so perfect I just had to comment on it.

Squee, and the way you use it in the strips, is the ultimate word. It’s like Dude. You can say it millions of ways and they all mean something different. Sometimes whole paragraphs with a single Squee.

I am not sure how much you plan this, or if it just happens, but I LOVE Flaco SO much because of this. What I mean is how whenever Flaco comments on something, there’s a duality that is so cool….one part is whatever you intended the “squee” to be which the reader can kind of gather from the context, but the BEST part is deciding what WE think he is saying. I’m sure you have something in mind specifically but today, for instance, I heard “word” when Flaco said “squee.”

Anyhow…not sure any of that made sense, but that is the secret sauce in what makes Flaco so cool!

Arthur on the Lamp

A thought occurred to me, today, and I’m curious to see if there’s a Sheldonista out there who knows this, off-hand: What was the first strip that showed Arthur sitting on the lamp?

I’m kinda curious to see how long that’s been going on. If no one knows, I may just use the varying archive search features and see if I can figure it out. But I’m guessing there’s an Arthur fan out there who know this.

Free Sheldon Wallpapers

If you’re a Sheldonista who picked up a book or t-shirt from the Sheldon Store in 2006 or 2007, you know that I like to give out free desktop wallpapers… as a small “thank you” from me to you. A thank you, because it’s your financial support that keeps Sheldon going as a free, daily strip (…and keeps the lights on ’round these parts).

But it looks like everyone who purchased something in the first months of 2008 didn’t get the link to the free wallpapers. Which is a total bummer.

Anyway, I just now fixed the link hiccup… So if you were one of those folks that made a purchase but didn’t get a free wallpaper, just send me an e-mail from the address used in your Sheldon purchase…and I’ll send you the wallpaper link! Thanks!